Welcome to my attempt to live fully and honestly, to sing out the song of myself, to truly know who I am......

.....either that or the ramblings of a barely coherant, tired out mum of two!!

Saturday 12 January 2008

Baby Blogger - Hello

we have been so busy we forgot to blog!!

Peter - I am now four and a half and I have been going to school since last September. I am driving mummy and daddy banannas but I don't mean to I am just learning about everything. ellie and I fight a lot but she keeps taking my toys and won't let me play with hers. Mummy says she needs to learn about sharing. I still wear my foot splint and I have one at night to. Mummy and daddy say they are very pleased with my progress.


Eleanor - I am now two and a half years old and I am having what daddy calls the 'terrible twos'. I just get very frustrated because people don't always understand me and I don't always get what i want. I am doing well at Nursery. we all went on holiday to florida last year and had a great time. Peter and I really enjoyed the pool at the house.


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