Welcome to my attempt to live fully and honestly, to sing out the song of myself, to truly know who I am......

.....either that or the ramblings of a barely coherant, tired out mum of two!!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

May God Bless You.

May God Bless you 
with discomfort at easy answers, 
half truths and superficial relationships, 
so that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you 
with anger at injustice, 
oppression and exploitation of people, 
so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you 
with tears to shed for those who suffer pain, 
rejection, hunger and war, 
so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and turn their pain into joy

And may God bless you 
with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world, 
so you can do what others claim cannot be done 
to bring justice and kindness to everyone.

This is what it means to live honestly and with integrity. To feel the pain of those who suffer and give voice to the voiceless. To be dissatisfied with the usual platitudes and worthy advice.

I may stand alone at the end of my life, having frightened everyone away with the intensity of my song. But I will sing.

I will sing of aching abuse and frightened children. I will sing of cancer and suicide. I will sing of families torn apart and of individuals so wrapped in hate they no longer see the light.

And I will sing of a Man, born in an animal shed. A man who preached Love and healed the broken with a gentle Word and a firm touch. I will sing of the Man hanging broken and humiliated on a wooden cross. I will sing of His Love for this world. His Love for the broken and the misused. For the overlooked and underused. I will sing of His love for the Victim and the terrorist. 

I will sing until Heaven is a reality in this place. I will sing until I cannot sing anymore.

I may be alone - but I don't think so.

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