Welcome to my attempt to live fully and honestly, to sing out the song of myself, to truly know who I am......

.....either that or the ramblings of a barely coherant, tired out mum of two!!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Christmas? Already!

Time seems to fly by and how can it be nearly six months since I last posted?

Christmas is a heartbeat away and it seems the year has flown away carrying us along with it. Usually in Advent I try to find some time to pause and reflect on the year gone by but it seems this year I have barely had a moment to draw breath.

Shane spent most of the Summer sleeping after a serious collitis flare up that landed him in hospital for a week. He is still not fully recovered and is back on the steroids. As a result we didn't get a holiday this year - tho Shane and the little ones went to Grannie and Grandads for a week.

My health as always has been up and down but I am inally on insulin and carb counting and once I get my head around all of that I think it will be a good thing.

The children are doing very well and growing at a phenomenal rate. They have the ability to drive me crazy one moment and laugh out loud the next. They are a joy and a challenge, a gift and a blessing.

The Ordination process proceeds slowly. I have now been passed from the DDO in Southwell to the one in Derby. I am optimistic that 2012 will see progress at last.

Work continues to go well though the commute is a pain. I look forward to being able to work locally if and when something suitable turns up.

So I wish any passing readers and all my friends and family a very Merry Christmas.

God Bless us! Every one.